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What roles are there?

<aside> ℹ️ With roles, an organization can provide certain functions to selected employees.


In Clypp, there is the global administrator, the organization manager, first and second level managers, video manager, creator, and viewer. We have assigned user and video administrator rights to these roles.

The global administrator, along with the organization manager, takes care of administrative tasks related to managing your organization. First and second level managers can be assigned according to the individual company structure, for example as department and team management. The video manager, on the other hand, is responsible for videos and playlists and can manage all content created in their own workspace. While a normal viewer can only watch Clypps, a creator can record, edit, delete, and organize them.

Users with rights do not require approval for their Clypps, as long as quality control is enabled in their workspace (exception: Creator). If quality control is enabled, then Clypps must be approved before they can be shared.

What do the individual roles include?

Global Administration

A global administrator has all platform rights related to managing users and workspaces. They have the unique ability to change the company's design and have all administrative access rights, such as connecting to an Active Directory.

Organization Management

An organization manager has the key rights to manage all contributors in your organization and, for example, add new levels (e.g. new departments, teams, etc.). Furthermore, an organization manager can manage tags that should be available in the workspace. In addition, managers at this level can deactivate or delete all members of the workspace, including their respective content and activities.

First Level Management (e.g. Department)

A first level manager has access to all users in their level. As a result, Clypps created at this level can be managed, and a Clypp can be approved or its external visibility can be revoked. Furthermore, managers at this level can deactivate or delete the users under their responsibility, including their respective content and activities.

Second Level Management (e.g. Team)

Second level managers are responsible for viewing and managing users and Clypps at their level. Additionally, they manage all Clypps created at this second level and can approve Clypps or revoke their external visibility. Furthermore, managers at this level can deactivate or delete the users under their responsibility, including their respective content and activities.

Video Management